Would You Like a Tour?

It’s official, we’re homeowners!

Yesterday we signed a stack of papers practically as thick as the bible to take ownership of this extremely ugly fixer. We have the keys in-hand and now this IS our new home! Immediately after signing I felt a little sick to my stomach. The most money I ever spent in my life has bought us a really gross house. But, Michael assured me that’s normal - once we start remodeling it will not feel so gross anymore.

Our timeline has officially begun. The goal is to move in as quickly as possible so we don’t have to pay rent and a mortgage for very long. In order to do that, the interior of the house needs to be livable. We’ve got our work cut out for us. I’ll give you a tour so you know what I mean…

Thanks for watching! We’ll update you this week with our progress as we demolish the house!

Stay tuned!


Week 1: Demolition!


The Plans…